She has been charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana, according to Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. John Hocking. She has been ordered to appear in Beverly Hills Court on February 28, 2008.
The actress, 21, was pulled over early around 3 a.m. this morning in West Hollywood after deputies saw her car straddling two lanes of traffic and failing to signal while making a turn. The Web site Hollyscoop.com first reported the news.
She was held on $10,000 bail. She was released around 10:05 a.m. Thursday. Her mother picked her up in a black Mercedes. Her mom carried the paperwork. Mischa walked out with her arms crossed, covering her face with a scarf. She tried to lay down in the back of the car. She was given a police escort so nobody could follow her.
In May, the former star of The O.C. was rushed to the hospital after mixing antibiotics and a "s—tload" of alcohol. Her younger sister, Hania, entered rehab earlier this year at the age of 19 for addiction to painkillers.
Stay tuned!
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