The 17-year old British actress, best known for her role of Hermione Granger in the popular Harry
Potter series, hit the stores on Robertson for the TV news show Access Hollywood. With show host
Maria Menunous taking her around, Watson found herself being interviewed while trying on Kitson
shoes at the LA shopping hotspot, and trying on the popular OmniPeace tank top that is in the
closets of American actresses Courteney Cox Arquette and Jennifer Aniston. Because it had been

Maria's 29th birthday the previous day, the Access Hollywood host decided that Emily should have a
Sprinkles cupcake to have the full Los Angeles experience! Her favorite was the "red velvet," and as
far as her shopping style went, she told Maria that unlike her character Hermione, who's a
bookwormish tomboy, in her real life she loves "girlie things."

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